Favignana and Surroundings

Favignana, the main island of Egadi archipelag, covers a surface of about 19 kmq with more than 33km costline with hundreds of caves and small bays. Several, beautiful beaches and "calas" (bays) easily reachable by land or with a boat. Here’s a quick list of the most famous; we do recommend though to discover many others by bicycle or boat:
Cala Rossa: famous for its crystal water, at its best with Scirocco wind (south-east). Kids and elder people might find challanghing to reach it by foot
Cala Azzurra: well known for the fine sands and small shells beach.
Calamoni: several calas and rocks most preferred by kids!
Calarotonda: spectacular round bay, surrounded by pine trees. Few nice caves and hidden beaches to discover.
Praia: in the heart of Favignana village, close to "Tonnara" buildings.
Cala del pozzo ed i Faraglioni: a long strip of sand and rocks, ending to a beautiful cape.
There are also many other "calas", which suggest that you discover by bike, on foot or by boat, according to the wind and sea conditions. Favignana is also famous for its Tufo stone caves, some of which have been transformed in ipogean (under ground level) garden. Very nice also the walks around Monte Santa Caterina, surrounded by Mediterranean maquis. In the village you can’t miss the Tonnara building, where local fishermen used to catch, kill, cook and can Tuna fishes (now a beatiful museum).
